Posted by: 60 Wife
Last summer I posted photos of my wife that included her exposed in a National Park that ended up in Private Shots. The next batch was rejected for “too much pink.” Hopefully this and subsequent photos will end up in EIP in recognition of her bravery in wearin no underwear and sheer tops in public. Here is the story posted last summer, still true:When we travel, my wife often stays without underwear, wears short skirts and see-through tops, swims in a sheer-when-wet bikini and keeps her skirt open to her waist as we drive. This is the first year she’s let me take photos to share on VW. I missed some ‘photo-ops’ in antique shops and a museum because I did not have my camera and she didn’t want pictures in her swimsuit because too many people were around. She doesn’t like some pictures that show her too hairy. She also thinks she looks too fat. I think she looks pretty darn good for over 60, but I’m going to take her up on her offer to go somewhere and take some better pictures. Here, in several posts, are samples from several weeks and thousands of miles that I had the pleasure of seeing my exposed wife for hours on end.